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Ying Yang.part1.rar

Abstract:Yin-Yang transcription factor 1 (YY1) is involved in tumor progression, metastasis and has been shown to be elevated in different cancers, including leukemia. The regulatory mechanism underlying YY1 expression in leukemia is still not understood. Bioinformatics analysis reveal three Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1α) putative binding sites in the YY1 promoter region. The regulation of YY1 by HIF-1α in leukemia was analyzed. Mutation of the putative YY1 binding sites in a reporter system containing the HIF-1α promoter region and CHIP analysis confirmed that these sites are important for YY1 regulation. Leukemia cell lines showed that both proteins HIF-1α and YY1 are co-expressed under hypoxia. In addition, the expression of mRNA of YY1 was increased after 3 h of hypoxia conditions and affect several target genes expression. In contrast, chemical inhibition of HIF-1α induces downregulation of YY1 and sensitizes cells to chemotherapeutic drugs. The clinical implications of HIF-1α in the regulation of YY1 were investigated by evaluation of expression of HIF-1α and YY1 in 108 peripheral blood samples and by RT-PCR in 46 bone marrow samples of patients with pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). We found that the expression of HIF-1α positively correlates with YY1 expression in those patients. This is consistent with bioinformatic analyses of several databases. Our findings demonstrate for the first time that YY1 can be transcriptionally regulated by HIF-1α, and a correlation between HIF-1α expression and YY1 was found in ALL clinical samples. Hence, HIF-1α and YY1 may be possible therapeutic target and/or biomarkers of ALL.Keywords: HIF-1α; YY1; ALL

Ying Yang.part1.rar

Note. SP/KLF transcription factors have 3 major modes ofactions on NRs: (1) SPs/KLFs influence NR-induced transcriptionalactivity through either direct or indirect interaction on theirresponsive genes. SPs/KLFs and NRs may also bind DNA directly orindirectly. (2) SPs/KLFs alter the expression of NRs, and subsequentlymodulate their transcriptional activity. (3) NRs alter the expression ofcertain SP/KLF family proteins, employing as mediators of theiractivities. Some SP/KLFs, the expression of which is regulated byparticular NRs, influence the transcriptional activity of such NRsthrough the mechanism (1), forming a feed-forward transcriptionalregulatory loop between them. SP = specificity protein; KLF =Krüppel-like factor; NRs = nuclear hormone receptors.

There are some things in this world which are doomed to failure before they were even dreamt of by some mad inventor in his squalid laboratory. Things like mint-flavoured peas, ying-yang shaped coffee tables, or a toothbrush that doubles as an earwax remover. It applies to computer games as well; decent Playstation ports come once every century and good film license conversions are so rare, they're a protected species. So when a port from a Playstation game, which also happens to be a film license comes along, it should, by all the laws of common sense, be an absolute disaster. Nothing in the history of videogames, or indeed in the history of anything, ever, says this is a good idea and it's going to work. So why have Rebellion, respected developers of the more than respectable Alien vs. Predator, made the game? Answers on a postcard to: Rebellion's Big Bulging Bank Account, Switzerland.

But poor graphics don't necessarily make for a poor game. Just look at Civilization - when I first started playing that I thought catapults were really offensive quill pens, but it was a cracking game none the less. Unfortunately The Mummy falls down on just about every other element, as well.

These are mummies; they're the living dead. They have no brains, no consciousness, and more often than not they don't have all their limbs, either. Having said that, though, they do seem rather toodense. Now obviously you can't expect them to act like they were members of a SWAT team in their past life, but there are certain standards. For instance, many are convinced they can walk through solid stone to get to you. They can't, of course, but they're determined little buggers and won't stop trying. They do have some manners, though. It's not often, but now and again a mummy is polite enough to let you see off his friend before he starts his attack. Very gentlemanly.

BARKER, A.B., SMITH, J., HUNTER, A., BRITTON, J. and MURRAY, R.L., 2019.Quantifying tobacco and alcohol imagery in Netflix and Amazon Prime instant video original programming accessed from the UK: a content analysis. BMJ Open, 9 (2): e025807. ISSN 2044-6055

BETTS, L.R., METWALLY, S.H. and GARDNER, S.E., 2019.We are safe but you are not: exploring comparative optimism and cyber bullying. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, 4 (3), pp. 227-233. ISSN 2366-5963

CARO, O., ZUBILLAGA, A., FRADUA, L. and FERNANDEZ-NAVARRO, J., 2019.Analysis of playing area dimensions in Spanish professional soccer: extrapolation to the design of small-sided games with tactical applications. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. ISSN 1064-8011

DICKEN, A.J., EVANS, J.P.O., ROGERS, K.D., PROKOPIOU, D., GODBER, S.X., ELARNAUT, F., SHEVCHUK, A., DOWNES, D. and WILSON, M., 2019.Confocal energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction tomography employing a conical shell beam. Optics Express, 27 (14), pp. 19834-19841. ISSN 1094-4087

KIRCABURUN, K., KOKKINOS, C.M., DEMETROVICS, Z., KIRÁLY, O., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and ÇOLAK, T.S., 2019.Problematic online behaviors among adolescents and emerging adults: associations between cyberbullying perpetration, problematic social media use, and psychosocial factors. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 17 (4), pp. 891-908. ISSN 1557-1874

PAŘIL, P., LEIGH, C., POLÁŠEK, M., SARREMEJANE, R., ŘEZNÍČKOVÁ, P., DOSTÁLOVÁ, A. and STUBBINGTON, R., 2019.Short-term streambed drying events alter amphipod population structure in a central European stream. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 193 (1), pp. 51-64. ISSN 1863-9135

SARREMEJANE, R., STUBBINGTON, R., DUNBAR, M.J., WESTWOOD, C.G. and ENGLAND, J., 2019.Biological indices to characterize community responses to drying in streams with contrasting flow permanence regimes. Ecological Indicators, 107: 105620. ISSN 1470-160X

STAVROPOULOS, V., LATIFI, A., BEARD, C., ANDERSON, E., KUSS, D.J. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2019.A preliminary cross-cultural study of Hikikomori and Internet Gaming Disorder: the moderating effects of game-playing time and living with parents. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 9: 100137. ISSN 2352-8532

STRAKA, M., POLÁŠEK, M., SYROVÁTKA, V., STUBBINGTON, R., ZAHRÁDKOVÁ, S., NĚMEJCOVÁ, D., ŠIKULOVÁ, L., ŘEZNÍČKOVÁ, P., OPATŘILOVÁ, L., DATRY, T. and PAŘIL, P., 2019.Recognition of stream drying based on benthic macroinvertebrates: a new tool in Central Europe. Ecological Indicators, 106: 105486. ISSN 1470-160X

TOLLINGTON, S., KAREEMUN, Z., AUGUSTIN, A., LALLCHAND, K., TATAYAH, V. and ZIMMERMANN, A., 2019.Quantifying the damage caused by fruit bats to backyard lychee trees in Mauritius and evaluating the benefits of protective netting. PLoS ONE, 14 (8): e0220955.

TOLONEN, K.E., PICAZO, F., VILMI, A., DATRY, T., STUBBINGTON, R., PAŘIL, P., PEREZ ROCHA, M. and HEINO, J., 2019.Parallels and contrasts between intermittently freezing and drying streams: from individual adaptations to biodiversity variation. Freshwater Biology, 64 (10), pp. 1679-1691. ISSN 0046-5070

VOLKOV, V.V., HICKMAN, G.J., SOLA-RABADA, A. and PERRY, C.C., 2019.Distributions of silica and biopolymer structural components in the spore elater of Equisetum arvense, an ancient silicifying plant. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10: 210. ISSN 1664-462X 041b061a72


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